Hi. Welcome to my website. I'm not sure what this site is going to be used for yet,
but I guarantee that it will contain only the finest collection
of .GIFs and MIDIs you
can find anywhere on the Internet. Check out the Downloads page to see the newest stuff I've uploaded to my archive.org page.
Also, I'm aware that my website is broken on mobile devices idk how to fix it OOPS. This website is best viewed on a big PC monitor anyway. (duh)
Oh yeah and get used to seeing Comic Sans EVERYWHERE because its a fun font change my mind.
Anyway, as I was saying, if you like fun .GIFs, bad MIDI files,
BEMANI games, and that sweet early-Internet aesthetic, this website might have some
of what you're
looking for! Check out the "Cool Stuff" and "Downloads" section for cool stuff and downloads. And check out the "About Me" section
if for some reason you're interested to find out more about who made this website, and if you want to find links to that person's social media stuff.
How are you liking my website so far? Spam my email inbox here:
Monday, March 14, 2022 06:27 -
So I guess I'm making this a blog thing now? I figured out how to make the navigation bar buttons light up when you hover over them with the mouse. Yippee.
I'm staying up all night again revamping my homepage. Hopefully this will be closer to the final version. And hopefully I'll be able to wake up for my first class
of the day in like four hours.
EDIT: So THAT didn't happen lmao.
Thursday, March 17, 2022 21:36 -
So guess what got released today? DanceDanceRevolution A3. Yeap, new DDR. It only released on gold cabs tho which isn't very epic, but my local Round1 has a gold
cab so I'll take it. Hopefully I can make it over there soon because I really want to play the new songs. They launched A3 without any new licensed songs tho,
but hopefully the KONAMI originals are good. Idk I just want to play it. They upgraded the gold cab at my local Round1 to A3 so I
need to go over there one of
these days to check it out.
Wednesday, March 23rd, 2022 21:06 -
I was cleaning out my closet and I found my old MacBook Air buried under a pile of clothes. I dug it out and tried booting it up only to discover a broken Windows 10
BSOD. Long story short, I fixed the broken Windows Bootcamp partition, deleted it, and reinstalled a clean copy of OS X El Capitan. It seems to work pretty well
after sitting in my closet for six years, but it has some screen problems and it's missing the "T" key for some reason. But it works.
Friday, March 26th, 2022 22:14 -
So I went to the Tri-County Flea Market in Levittown again to play some StepManiaX. I did pretty well, almost FC'd Sunshine on HARD towards the end. I'm going
to make another video there sometime after school ends in late June. I want to do a "summer" themed setlist where I play the songs Bumble Bee, Sunshine, and
Summer (Speedy Mix) together. Also, I wanted to share this picture I took of Tri-County's decaying IIDX cab. It's been broken for like a year.
Saturday, April 9th, 2022 21:32 -
I successfully connected my PlayStation 2 EyeToy to my Windows XP machine to use it as a webcam. It works about as well as it sounds. You can
almost taste the
pixels and the audio is very delayed, but it really brings out that early-YouTube aesthetic. Finding working drivers for the EyeToy was just tons of fun. The only
ones I could find only seemed to work on Windows 10, which obviously didn't work on XP. I eventually found this totally-not-a-virus "setup.exe" on download.com
that did the trick.
Thursday, April 14th, 2022 18:54 -
Sunday, April 24th, 2022 14:46 -
Monday, April 25th, 2022 12:37 -
It's finally here!...after like two years. I bought this "DJ Station Pro" beatmania controller off Yahoo! Auctions Japan way back in 2020 and it finally arrived today.
It's the best 5key beatmania
controller a 5key player could ask for. Maybe. The turntable is great, much better than the UKOC imo. There's these volume faders on
the left side which really add to the "DJ" feel that this game's
supposed to give off. The keys are a little stiff, I much perfer the UKOC's keys but what totally makes
up for that is the fact that the keys light up just like the arcade! I haven't been able to
try that out yet because I don't have a PlayStation, but I'm really excited to
start using this controller. There's a guy on YouTube who cleared SWEET BREEZE from ClubMIX with one of these things, so I'm sure it's just a matter of getting used
to the keys. Also, the seller bundled in a copy of beatmania IIDX 3rd style for the PS2 with the controller which was super nice.
I got COVID yesterday yeeha. I feel just so great right now and what a surprise I get it right at the start of finals week like isn't that #epic?
My beatmania pocket 2 finally arrived today from Japan and I'm so excited to listen to its incredibly bit-crushed music. This thing is in beautiful condition
and it came with
its box to which is really nice. It even has the instruction manual too. I play on making a video about it along with my DanceDanceRevolution
pocket soon as soon as finals are
over with. Until then, My beatmania DaDaDa!! keyboard review video is coming out on the 30th which talks about another
obscure BEMANI game.